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Sobre mí

An ecosystem is a unit composed of interdependent organisms that share the same habitat. Ecosystems usually form a series of chains that show the interdependence of organisms within the system. 


Any factor that generates a direct or indirect, continuous or periodic impact on a particular ecosystem can generate significant changes and alterations, both negative and positive, reversible or irreversible.


On the other hand, the definition of ecosystem can be applied to any community made up of a set of interrelated beings and the environment they inhabit, for example: business, digital, and urban ecosystems...

Each ecosystem is governed by its balance, each rupture or interference with this particular balance can generate unexpected effects of greater or lesser magnitude. The well-being of the individual depends on the correct functioning of the ecosystem that it inhabits or of which it is a part.


The observation and study of these phenomena, in any environment, is essential to understanding them and implementing fully and/or partially scalable solutions.

Equally important is the dissemination of the results and knowledge derived.


An expanded and enriching interpretation of the concept of life, ranging from physical health and psychological well-being to the preservation of biodiversity and the consequences of lack of prevention.


What is the institute?

The Institute of Ecosystem-related Impacts Research is a private, international entity, with public and social purposes, aimed at the study, implementation, and dissemination of results related to the effects of any impact on any ecosystem. Its study and implementation methodology is characterized by being based on a mapping of systems and ecosystems.

The study of the impact of ecosystems, the implementation of valid solutions, and the dissemination of the results even for prevention purposes, today is something both of fundamental importance and little systematized at a general level (in different areas).


When this is not done in a broad, multidisciplinary, multidimensional, transversal way with a perspective of prevention and/or mitigation, complex situations can be generated with consequences of unpredictable magnitude at different scales. Examples include climate change, the use of data for AI, and global economic crises.

In this sense, the Institute of Ecosystem-related Impacts research has a special focus on the prevention of risks of any nature and the consolidation of the resilience and resistance of the ecosystem under study.

This is the first institute whose activity focuses almost exclusively on the study of the functioning of ecosystems of any nature, understood as adaptive “micro or macro systems”, with properties of self-organization, scalability, and sustainability inspired by natural ecosystems.


For this reason, your contribution to the preservation, maintenance, restoration, and cure of any ecosystem, in any environment, and therefore of any individual belonging to such ecosystems can mark a significant change.

What we do?

We use systems-based methods and mapping to:

Better understand  the complexity and uncertainty inherent in transformative ecosystems



Find more adaptive and effective interventions.


Develop and share more understandable data among stakeholders, including policymakers. Engage all the stakeholders for active participation and collaboration.


Incorporate new information, evaluate results, and adjust interventions.


Anticipate risks and consequences.


Be able to adapt to changes over time.





We are focused in: 



Humanist, geographer and volcanologist, I am committed to the problems of resilience in volcanic lands.


My experience in environmental risk management and my knowledge of resilience, acquired within the framework of the United Nations, constitute an important differential when it comes to guaranteeing a sustainable future for new generations.


In 2019, She founded the Volcano Active Foundation.

The Volcano Active Responsibility Foundation, registered with the Spanish Ministry of Justice under number 2195, is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the study, knowledge, dissemination and awareness of the volcanic world. The goal of the foundation is to increase the resilience of the inhabitants and ecosystems of volcanic areas.


Since 2021, the foundation has been part of the United Nations Global Compact.


The foundation establishes common governance guidelines in volcanic ecosystems for disaster risk reduction through the creation of an international network of studies.


The Foundation acts directly on

- Understand catastrophe risk.

- Strengthen disaster risk governance.

-Investigate disaster risk reduction factors to improve resilience.

- Raise awareness about disasters to provide an effective and immediate response and work on reconstruction in the fastest and most profitable way.

Volcano school program

Graduate in Political Science with specialization in International Economics and with a Master's degree in International Relations, especially with African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries (ACP Countries).


My professional background has been developed in competitive and multinational companies and environments.


For 11 years I have been working as a Project Manager in a Hospital structure in which I have acquired knowledge and a point of view that completes my experience in the health sector.


I have been a member of the “Environmental Commission” of my Hospital and President and Founder of the Kosma International Observatory of Environmental Diseases.


In 2020, my personal interest in the environmental issues led me to take a course on “Green Criminology organized by the University of Barcelona. In this year's edition, I was invited to give a class on this same topic.


I am part of the advisory board for several start-ups through national and international innovation accelerators.


I am also part of the organization board of the “International One Health Conference” .


Used to working towards objectives and on disruptive projects, to opening new markets and lines of business, to communicating with a wide variety of interlocutors at all levels, the challenge that this project represents is a great stimulus for me.





Octoedro Gestor

Calle Valencia 245 Atico 1

08007 Barcelona


+34 620 43 39 33



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